Second Notice - Balcombe Family Reunion

Buffalo, NY

August 9 -11, 1901

The recent notice of the reunion of the Balcombe or Balcom family, having met with generous approbation, this second notice is issued to indicate the progress made in arrangements and to reach any who have not received the first notice.

The dates selected for the meetings, i.e. the evenings of the 9th, 10th and 11th of August will be adhered to, unless it be the Sunday gathering which for several reasons may be omitted, and a meeting on the Thursday evening of the 8th substituted. Much interest is being taken in the project and many of the family have signified their intention of being present, so that from Nova Scotia to Georgia, and from the Atlantic to the Pacific, the family will be represented. Friends of the family in the town of Balcombe in Sussex, England, are preparing a collection of views, relics and data that will be of very great interest. The association of our name with the early times in England, its picturesque derivation or meaning, and the long residence of the family in America, gives material for very interesting studies; and the present time is auspicious for holding the reunion. A generation ago no in the family, from lack of research, could have told how the different members were related; but records are now so complete that it is seldom that the descent of any one in the family cannot be traced. One meeting will be given to considering the fundamental principles that bind families together; to conditions in which the family in England developed; and to the formation of an association of the various branches of the family whereby we may feel that we are united, although scattered throughout the land, and notwithstanding the difference in the spelling of the name. Another meeting will provide for the presentation of the historical outlines of the three different branches in this country, viz: the Henry Balcombe line of Charlestown, Mass., in 1665, which Mr. Chas, B. Balcomb of Salem, Mass., has in hand; the Alexander Balcom line of Portsmouth, R. I., in 1664, which Mr. St. Andre D. Balcombe of Omaha, Neb., has in hand; and the John Balcom line of Connecticut, in about 1700, which Miss Mary Balcom of Clifton Springs, N. Y., has in charge. The third evening may be devoted to a reception with a collation or informal banquet, at which reminiscences of early life in the Colonies; frontier life in the West; what the family had to do with Longfellow's "Wayside Inn"; a visit to one of the homesteads, for over 200 years in the family name; a recent visit to the ancient town of Balcombe in Sussex, England, etc., will be presented.

We are offered accommodation for holding the meetings in the Pan-American building, and Mr., Henry Tracy Balcom, of Buffalo, has also kindly offered his Music Hall, but it is not fully determined as yet how the meetings will be held.

A special register for the Balcombe family will be kept during the reunion week, at the New York State Building. Mr. St. A. D. Balcombe has consented to give his whole time to the work during reunion week. Having attended all expositions from the "Centennial" to the present one, Mr. Balcombe says he goes to Buffalo solely to meet the members of the clans that will gather there; so all are requested to register and secure a program of the meetings, which will then be in readiness. It is hoped that the reunion will lead to a knowledge of all branches of the family, so that the records may be fully completed and published in book form. The circumstances and conditions are favorable for a successful and enjoyable gathering, and it is hoped that every one who possibly can will take advantage of the opportunity and attend, as it will be a chance of a lifetime and an occasion never to be forgotten. Special rates are being made by all lines of railroads, and accommodation can be had at reasonable prices. Any inquiry as to hotels, lodgings, or board, may be made to the Information Bureau, of the Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, N.Y.

All in any way related to the family are invited to attend. Come and join us at Buffalo.

S. Frank Balcom
1007 Park Avenue
Indianapolis, Ind.
June 8th, 1901